I am trying to get my stations in full swing. We will be doing stations during Guided Reading. These stations will change in order to keep the interest level high. The students love them and so much learning is involved.. Learning can be fun! If you have any of these items that you would like to contribute, please feel free. I know sometimes we clean out and are amazed at items we have stockpiled. If you are cleaning out, I am your taker. 😉 I will take any of these items off your hands. If you choose to buy any of these items (absolutely no obligations), most items can be found at Dollar Tree.
Paper Plates (the white cheap ones…new, please)
Dixie Cups (new)
Pipe Cleaners
Popsicle Sticks
Velcro dots or velcro strips
Index cards
Scotch tape
Little foam balls
Pom Poms (not the cheerleading kind…lol)
Coffee filters
Straws (new)
Q-Tips (new)
Playing Cards (just the basic, please)
Rubber bands
Small white foam cups (new)
Toilet paper/Paper towel tubes
Masking tape
Matchbox cars (does not have to be Matchbox…just that size)
Googly eyes
Cups (plastic in a package)
Cotton balls
Styrofoam bowls
Plastic spoons
Plastic wrap
Foil sheets
Elmers glue
Any kind of building blocks
I could always use white or colored cardstock.
Teacher friends: If you have any pattern blocks, unifix cubes, or the little square blocks that you are cleaning out, I will gladly take them.
Again, do not feel obligated! This is most definitely optional.