Hope you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend! Here is a look at what we will be focusing on in Mrs. Bussey’s class this week….
Reading- 3.8 A Inferencing/drawing conclusions about structure and elements of fiction.
Sequence and summarize the plot’s main events
Language Arts- 3.4 A-C Antonyms, synonyms, homographs, and homophones
3.22 B Complete subject/predicate
Social Studies- 4A-E, 5 A-D Changes in physical environment (landforms)
Spelling test will be Friday (I got it right this time…ha).
Vocabulary Words will be going home (also will be in planner) Tuesday. Vocabulary test will be next Friday. (Students have 2 weeks to study spelling and vocabulary words). The following is the link to the vocabulary words. This is a great tool to use to study.
I feel so blessed to have this group of kids!!!!