Welcome Back from Spring Break

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Spring Break!  I enjoyed being with my family!  We are on the last nine weeks!  Wow!  Time is going quickly!

Students were given vocabulary words today.  Test will be next WEDNESDAY…not Thursday, our normal testing day, due to the Easter party and students leaving after the party.  Please have your child practice on Quizlet.  https://quizlet.com/_4milft

Math Benchmark is tomorrow (Wednesday) and Reading Benchmark is Thursday.  Please make sure your child has plenty of rest and is at school on time.

We will start our PBL (Project Based Learning project) on Tiny Houses this week.  If you would like to let your child watch some of the Tiny Houses episodes on TV or youtube or even research other websites and talk about it with him/her, this would help give your child a better understanding of what a Tiny House is all about.  This is totally optional!  Our driving question for this project is:  How can we provide a diverse housing market in White Oak?  Our class is responsible for coming up with a Family Friendly Tiny House.  It will be one project that we will all work together on.  Let the fun begin!





Tiny Houses

3rd grade kicked off their PBL (Project Based Learning) project today!  We are going to research and create tiny houses.  Each class is doing a different theme of tiny house.  My homeroom will be focusing on a family friendly tiny house.  We watched this video: https://youtu.be/dJ-9i88O6MI

We had a special treat today when Mr. Salter from Salter Construction came to talk to the third grade.  He did an amazing job and the students really enjoyed listening to him.  Thank you, Mr. Salter!


Happy Week Before Spring Break!!

Spring Break is almost here!!!!  This week we are winding down the third nine weeks with a novel study on Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary.  We are doing oral summaries on each chapter and then some review pages on Thursday.  Whenever your child is reading a book to you, have him/her tell you something that happened at the Beginning of the chapter or book, Middle, and End.  This the strategy they need to use for summary (BME).  We will get to watch the movie on Friday and compare/contrast similarities and differences between the book and movie.


Homework is a little different this week.  Yesterday, the students were sent home with a recipe with instructions.  They are to intereview a “chef” in the family about a favorite recipe and write the recipe.  Please make sure these are returned by February 26th.