
A note concerning parties/invitations will be sent home today.  Please read this important note!  Please fill out and return by Wednesday.   We MUST have permission and current info before we will send this info home with students.  This list will be sent home by Friday.

A Huge Thanks

A huge thanks to those who helped get 2 projects funded through DonorsChoose.  I am completely overwhelmed at your generosity!  Our room is looking different and the students (and teacher) are so excited!  Their faces are priceless when they see all the new things coming into our classroom.

Week of October 23-27

This week we will be working on:

3.15 AB-Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents.  (A) follow and explain a set of written multi-step directions (B) locate and use specific information in graphic features of text


Reading-3.13A-Students analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. (A) identify the details or facts that support the main idea.

3.13 D  Non-fiction text features


Language Arts-3.20 A-Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. (A) create brief compositions


Social Studies-3.2A,B,C, 3.6A, 3.9B,C,D, 3.17D…..Money (vocabulary:  goods, services, employees, income, earn, income tax, property tax, sales tax


New Spelling Words are going home today.  Test will be Nov 2.


Something Happened in Mrs. Bussey’s Room Today…..

Something happened in Mrs. Bussey’s room today and the students became Inferencing Investigators to find suspects.  Someone stole the erasers from the eraser jar and messed up Room 200.  Suspects (Mr. Camp, Mr. McBride, Mrs. Odom, and Mrs. Rock) were called in for a meeting and questioned by students.  Students used inferencing skills.  We found the guilty party!  Please check the picture to see who was guilty!  It was a super, fun day in third grade!  We rotated classrooms and each reading teacher had a fun lesson on inferencing while the math teachers jumped in and helped out.  Such fun!!!!!!  Thank you to all who helped with this fun activity!  

Week of October 2-6

This week we will be working on:

Reading-  3.8…..Make inferences/draw conclusions about structure and element of fiction and provide evidence from text

3.13 C….Cause/Effect


Language Arts-  3.22Aiv….Adverbs


Social Studies-  3.1 A-C, 3.3 A, 3.9 A-C, 10A, 11 A ….  Founding of a Nation

Spelling Test this Thursday.  Words were given out last week and are written in your child’s planner (last week).

Vocabulary words are being given today.

Go to and you will find Spelling City and Quizlet.  Quizlet is what is used for vocabulary and Spelling City is for spelling.  Please have your child practice on both.  This will help them tremendously on the weekly tests.

Please complete the reading/math logs every week.  If your child has misplace her/his log, write it in the planner.  That will count.  We need to see this done!  🙂


Week of Sept. 25-29

This week we will be working on:


Reading- 3.4 B  Context Clues

Language Arts-3.22 A iv…Parts of Speech (Adverb)

Social Studies-3.1 A-C, 3.3 A, 3.9 A-C, 10A, 11 A ….  Founding of a Nation


New Spelling Words are being sent home today.  Test will be NEXT Friday.  I encourage you to have your child practice on the following link:


Vocabulary Test is THIS Friday.  I would suggest your child practice on this link: