January 30, 2020




This afternoon we experienced some electrical issues at White Oak Primary and Intermediate campuses. Currently SWEPCO is on site and working through the issues. 

At this time we are expecting to have power restored and a regular school day tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. 


If the issue is not resolved we will notify you by 6:00 a.m. in the morning.

Please check the campus Facebook pages, campus blogs and teacher blogs for notification and updates. 


This would affect the primary and intermediate campuses only. 


Thank you.


Mike Morrison

Interim Superintendent 

White Oak ISD 

Christmas Party

Remember to send a stocking and 23 (12 boys and 11 girls) items for stocking ASAP.  Students will open those stockings on Friday during the Christmas Party.  A letter went home last week concerning this.  (Look for a green sheet).

Our party will be at 9:00 am on Friday.  Our room mother will contact you with information about what to bring.  I apologize for not getting information out sooner but my life has been a whirlwind and my brain is in a million places trying to be mom of a senior trying to handle college decisions.  (Prayers appreciated…ha);) .

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the party.  Students will be able to leave after the party.  If your child will be going home with someone other than a parent or someone on the approved list, please send a note.  I understand that friends help each other and pick up each other’s kids and I am perfectly fine with that…but I just need a note.

Friday is an early release day.  Students will be dismissed at 12:15.

Six Flags Read to Succeed

Six Flags Read to Succeed letters will be going home this week.  The program has changed things up a bit.  This year, PARENTS will record their own child’s reading online.  Teachers will no longer be keeping up with reading logs to avoid any confusion or mix-up.  I am super excited about this change and think it is going to make it easier for EVERYONE!  Be sure and follow the instructions on the letter and let the reading fun begin.  🙂







Character Book Parade

The students will be able to dress up as their favorite book character on October 30th.  Your child should have already returned their form on what character they were going to dress up as and what book they will bring for their character.  If you have not returned this form, please return to me.  🙂

Nine Weeks Awards Assembly

Intermediate Awards Assemblies
1st Nine Weeks

To: Parents/Guardians
From: Jennifer Rock, Principal
Date: October 22, 2019
Our campus will start a new tradition of recognizing student achievement at the end of each grading period. Students will be recognized with their achievements and have the opportunity to earn “brag tags.” We welcome parents/guardians to attend these special events. Please feel free to come into the gym beginning at 7:30 and have a seat in the stands. After the other two grade levels are dismissed, we will begin announcing the awards.


Our schedule for this grading period is as follows:


October 25th – 3rd grade

October 28th – 4th grade

October 29th – 5th grade

Winn Dixie Fun

We have been reading the novel, Because of Winn Dixie.   We are completing the book and doing some fun activities.   On Thursday, we will watch the movie and have some snacks.  Please watch for the note to come home today.  Your child MUST have the note signed and returned in order to participate in the movie/snacks. 🙂

Today, we did an Escape Room for Winn Dixie in class.  It was fun trying to race against the timer looking for clues.  Mrs. Bussey’s Homeroom class has completed the challenge. 

Labor Day Weekend

We have been through Meet the Teacher, first two days of school, two full weeks of school, and Parent Orientation.  We are off and running….

Important Things to Remember:

No school on Monday.

Reading Logs will begin September 9th.

You may begin eating lunch with your child on September 9th.


A long weekend is a much needed treat!  Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!!!